Types of frontstores

Custom-made frontstore

First way is to create everything on your own with direct cooperation with your client. In this scenario, your next step is the API section.

Frontstore as a TheShop template

TheShop provides basic frontstore templates that are ready to be used for any e-shop. This template contains all features compatible with TheShop API and it is always up-to-date. You need to install and connect this template to TheShop API.

As TheShop development partner, you will gain access to template repositories. Each of these repositories are maintained by TheShop, so you need to make your own copy of the repository and continue working on these copies.

The following templates are currently available:

Template installation

To install the TheShop template, follow the steps below for each of the supported frameworks:

Laravel 8.x

  1. git clone https://github.com/theshopdev/frontstore

  2. mv frontstore my-shop

  3. cd my-shop

  4. rm -rf .git

  5. cp .env.example .env

  6. You need to fill .env file with these mandatory values to run the app. Others values are optional.

    THESHOP_CATALOG= – this is the catalog from which the data are retrieved. By default, this is coreSK for a demo template, but for TheShop production environment, it's based on the first installation.

    THESHOP_API_KEY= – for the demo environment, we will provide you an API key. For TheShop production, you will generate your own API key. In TheShop administration, navigate to SettingsAPI, expand Developer API and click Generate new API key.

    THESHOP_API_ENDPOINT= – by default, this is https://demo.theshop.dev/api/. For your production environment, it will be based on the domain installation, for example: https://yourdomain.com/api/. Do not use https://yourdomain.com/api/v1 or https://yourdomain.com/api/v2, as the API client uses both versions as needed.

  7. Configure the following:



  8. Run Docker Desktop.

  9. Install composer dependencies:

    docker run --rm \
        -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
        -v $(pwd):/var/www/html \
        -w /var/www/html \
        laravelsail/php81-composer:latest \
        composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
  10. sail up -d

  11. sail artisan key:generate

  12. sail npm i

  13. sail npm run dev

  14. Store will be available on http://localhost:8080

Last updated